Pool Status
User Status
How to participate
No frills. No fees. No fuss. Join our new solo mining pool and try to hit a block on BTC mainnet with your Nerdminer!
No fees
No pool fees for Nerdminers. Full block rewards will go to your BTC address.
Pool URL
Configure your Nerdminer to use pool.nerdminers.org:3333 as pool address and port.
BTC address
Enter your BTC address you want to mine to. This will be used for the coinbase transaction (the block reward) in case you mine a block.
Worker name
Set a unique worker name by appending a dot (".") after the BTC address. This may contain dashes or underscores but NO WHITESPACES!
Frequently Asked Questions
What miners are supported?
Only Nerdminers (and some similar micro miners) are supported on this pool, any other miner will be rejected. This is due to the needed modifications to support ultra-low diff which are incompatible with regular diff calculation. This restriction may be removed in the future, though.
What pool software are you using?
This pool's code is originally based on the solo ckpool code created by Con Kolivas, with modifications to support the ultra-low diff needed for the Nerdminers. You can get the source code here: https://github.com/golden-guy/ckpool-solo/tree/nerdminer_v2 Patches, Comments and PRs welcome!
How can I see the pool statistics?
The pool and the user statistics reload automatically every minute on this page. To be able to see the user/worker data, you just have to enter your BTC address.
For the global pool status, click here: https://pool.nerdminers.org/pool/pool.status
To see individual user statistics, append the BTC address to this URL like this: https://pool.nerdminers.org/users/bc1q28kkr5hk4gnqe3evma6runjrd2pvqyp8fpwfzu
How do I get my block reward for a mined block?
You are mining directly to your BTC address, which will be added to the coinbase transaction (i.e. the block reward transaction). In case your mined block will be added to the blockchain, the generated coins will be directly funded to your BTC address.
How can I support the Nerdminer solo pool?
We are glad that you want to support us!
To support pool operation and development, please consider a donation to eighthneon42@walletofsatoshi.com